首页 > 科幻灵异 > 《成为全娱乐圈的白月光》 > 第37章 chapter 37

第37章 chapter 37(第3/11 页)

最新科幻灵异小说: 霍总,你老婆又被欺负啦!她毅然离婚!前夫追妻火葬场史上最强炼气期方羽免费心声都是瓜?侯门主母炸翻全家!楚总请自重,傅小姐她不吃回头草非洲创业实录夏日陷阱[秦]想当国师的我却成了太子夏天司马兰全集免费阅读夏天司马兰的小说穿越免费阅读夏天司马兰全文免费阅读夏天司马兰夏天与司马兰小说夏天司马兰小说免费夏天司马兰穿越小说最新章节和黑红弟弟一起上综艺,我爆红踩主角上位的我,竟成全员黑月光完蛋!我养的小白脸是京圈太子爷胎穿盗笔,我狂虐主角团和黑红弟弟参加综艺后,全网爆火


还是这个姐自己在s story里发了一个截图,也就是后面大家看到了的那段“澄清”,主要内容大家自己看截图就好了,大意就是她和7只是好朋友,从来没有交往中……


(hello, i a writg this post regard to the recent post circutg cial dia, a photo of anton and i holdg hands while he was visitg new jersey this past onth on his break

i a hopg to clear up any nfion on the atter as there are any cig that anton and i are datg becae of that photo, but i a not and have not ever dated hi i deny all cis of that statent anton and i have been friends sce we were young, and as seen the rest of these photos , we were a group settg with other close friends of ours, and ntued to hang out group settgs throughout the day

seeg anton is not as easy as it once was, and he had e ho for the first ti years to reber that day, i posted that photo, obvioly on y private stagra, on which ii post any photos of y friends and i , but was unaware that it would cae this r of an issue

please do not ake ncsions on the basis of a sgur photo!)




